The ESD Programme has been working with policy makers both nationally and on the regional level to support the countries to develop their own national ESD policies and mainstream ESD in the school curricula.
East Africa
The LVCEEP Programme has been working with policy makers both nationally and at a regional level to support the countries to develop their own national ESD Policies and to also mainstream ESD in the school curricula. National Curriculum Centres in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda have all been trained through the ESD EA LVCEEP programme on how to mainstream ESD into the school curriculum. In Kenya, the programme has also supported the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development to develop an ESD Manual for Teachers on how ESD can be mainstreamed in the curriculum.
- In Uganda and Tanzania, the programme has supported national consultative meetings to push for national ESD policies and curricula re-orientation towards ESD. Uganda has developed a road map for the ESD policy process and Tanzania is working towards the development of an ESD policy.
- ESD is being mainstreamed in the Rwanda Curriculum review through the Rwanda Education Board.
- The programme facilitated the development of a Pan African Youth Strategy on Learning for Sustainability through a consultative youth led process. WWF is seeking to have this Youth Strategy adopted by the African Union as well as all regional economic communities in the African region.
- ESD has been recommended for mainstreaming in all partner states in the East African Community (EAC) whereby:
a. The EAC Technical Committee on Education, Science and Technology has been requested to ensure that ESD is mainstreamed in all Education sub-sector curricula
b. The EAC secretariat in Arusha has been requested to liaise with Development Partners engaged with ESD to create platforms for effective coordination, collaboration and networking on ESD
c. Partner states have been urged to include ESD in their Education Sector Strategic Plans.
In Cameroon WWF now has authorization from the Government to implement ESD.
In Madagascar we have fostered the establishment of an “ESD steering committee”. A reference document on ESD has been produced and we have influenced the national policy on ESD.
With support from WWF, the committee has defined a vision for Malagasy citizens to be able to contribute actively to their own development and that of the country, while respecting Malagasy cultural and natural riches. A reference document has also been created, which
is helping educators and decision-makers understand the principles and purpose of
ESD. Future actions will include advocacy, communications and technical support.
A policy workshop in Indonesia resulted in recommendations on how to develop ESD, which are now being spread across the country.
WWF Sweden has contributed to elevating the concept sustainable development into the curriculum, and the term is now included in 10 subjects. We have also contributed to the incorporation of the concept ecosystem services into the curriculum.
We have also increased the attention on the lack of resources for ESD, and on the fact that ESD should be integrated into entrepreneurial learning in Sweden.
Dela gärna:
Senast ändrad 14/01/19