How much of the globe is arable? (ENG)
To provide an image of how small the amount of soil is, that is available for cultivation.
- An apple
- A knife
- Take an apple. This is now a model of the Earth.
- Can you cultivate the soil across the globe? No! Split the apple in four pieces. Three of these pieces represent the water, and one represents the land.
- Take the part that represents the land. Can you cultivate all of it? No! Split the piece in two. One of these pieces represents arable land, and the other represents land that is not arable, such as ice, mountains and deserts.
- Take the arable land piece. Can you cultivate all of it? No! Split it in four. Three of these pieces is not actually arable because of harsh climate, or that it now contains roads or houses.
- Take the fourth piece that was left. This is the part that is arable, 1/32 part of the globe. Now take the peel of the piece. This represents the Earth’s crust, about 25 cm, that is the actual soil.
- What kind of thoughts does this exercise raise?
This exercise comes from the material Naturens tjänster.