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Dokument|18 jan, 2019

Handbook in Entrepreneurship – How to start an eco-friendly small-scale business

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We all want to see the world develop in a desirable and sustainable way. Many people need to improve their standard of living. The distribution of resources between people must be changed. It is also necessary to adapt our consumption patterns to match the carrying capacity of nature.

We all want to make a good living. If we are able to provide services and products that are needed in the market this will enable us support a healthy and secure lifestyle. This can also be a good way of contributing to an eco-friendly and sustainable development of the local community. A small-scale business initiative can be a tool to provide desirable development of local society.

We have developed a ”Handbook in Entrepreneurship – how to start an eco-friendly small-scale business”. The handbook focuses upon students in formal and non-formal education, but since it builds upon a methodology for the development of small-scale business in the local community it can also be used for groups of adults.

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